Monthly Archives: November 2023

My Dad Was A Faithful Man

My dad was Eugene L. Foster, known to most folks as Gene. He was born in 1935 and passed away October 8, just twelve days before his 88th birthday.

My dad was a faithful man. He was faithful to his wife, my mom Barbara. They were married in 1959. They made a life together until she passed away in 2014, fifty-five years. My dad was a widower for nine years, and it was clear that he missed his ‘better half.’

My dad was faithful to his family. Mom and dad kept their arguments private when we were young. Occasionally my siblings and I would be witness to one of their disagreements. Mom used the ‘silent treatment’ on my dad when she was angry. He would sometimes get so upset that he would leave the house. He always returned, but I wondered where he went.

Once, he took me with him. I guess he thought I was old enough to learn the secret of where he went and what he did when he left in a huff. On that occasion, we went and bought French fries at McDonald’s. While we ate them, he told me not to worry about their arguments or his going out to cool down. He promised that he would never leave us. He never did. He stayed with us, even when things got tough.

Once, when money was tight, he was forced to drive a lumber truck. That must have been difficult for someone who spent his life in comfortable offices, wearing business clothes, and working as an accountant. We always had what we needed. He provided for us.

My dad was faithful to his church. He was a member of the same Baptist Church in Euless Texas for more than forty years. He attended faithfully. He served as a deacon. He went on mission trips. He did more than I will ever know.

When Karen and I left Texas to serve at Grace Baptist in Camden, Arkansas, my dad visited us regularly. He and mom both came to see us until she passed away. After a while, I started to notice that dad visited us when the church was having a potluck, or our Sunday school class was going out to eat! But he worshiped with us, too.

Dad also went on mission trips with Grace Baptist. Once, when we were knocking on doors and doing outreach in a community near Memphis, a dog attacked him and bit him on the leg. His injury required a trip to the Emergency Room. I was mortified! I was sure that would be his last mission trip with us. It wasn’t. He took it in stride.

Dad made a lot of friends at Grace Baptist. In fact, the church family in Camden accepted him as an honorary member of Grace. He was encouraged by such love and acceptance, especially after my mom was gone. Dad was blessed to have two church families!

My dad was more than a faithful man. He was a man of faith. More than that, he was a man of the faith, the Christian faith. His trust was in Jesus Christ. His life was filled with service and worship of God and fellowship with other believers.

To all who trust Jesus, God’s word says, “Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly wait for a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians, 3:20, CSB). As his life in this world was slipping away, my dad was clear about his desire to go and be with his Lord. He wanted to go where his permanent citizenship is. He wanted to go home.

My dad is forever home now. I’m honored and proud to report that he leaves behind the witness of a faithful life.

May God in heaven inspire us to be faithful in all things,

Brother Richard

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